Birds of the air


Many days throughout our lives we worry about our health, relationships, finances, whether we are on the right path in our life journey, etc. The opportunities to worry can seem endless.  At times I can find myself falling into this trap and then, I see a bird at the feeder. It causes me to remember Matthew 6:26,

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?  Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”

Anticipating my trips to the hospital for scans and blood tests after chemo and radiation therapy I sometimes would become anxious and succumb to worry. Knowing I should not be thinking this way, I would reach out to God in prayer and worship. I would read scriptures that would remind me of God’s faithfulness and how He is the healer of all our diseases. I believed that I was hearing through the Holy Spirit that I was going to have a good report and that I was healing. I would go to the appointments refreshed and full of faith believing for good news. And time and time again it seemed as though the team of medical professionals were not seeing the results they expected, and I would hear all the information that caused them to believe that nothing had changed and it may have gotten worse. I would keep my brave face on as I and my husband left the hospital. Once we were settled in the car and heading back home, I would break down. Many times, I was in tears questioning what just happened: “How is this possible?” or “I really expected them to say that the tumor was gone!” and many other statements like these that on one hand confirmed my faith and on the other hand questioned my faith.

One thing that was proven to be true to me while traveling through this experience is that only God knows the final number of days that we will live on this earth.  A medical professional can tell you the facts of what their science is showing them about a disease that may be manifesting in your life, but only the God of the miraculous knows His plan for your life and the number of your days.  Matthew 10:29 says that "...not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from your Fathers will."  Because most of us are naturally more in tune with the innate workings of our lives we have been given to walk out on this earth it is important to remind ourselves that God is supernatural.  He works outside of what we see and know about our physical surroundings. He is limitless.

Matthew 10:30-31 says,

"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

God has His hand of divine blessing and order on your life.  Trust Him with it all.  Give the anxiety, fear, and worry to Him.  Be at peace knowing He is in control.

Rita Ann

Rita Ann is a pancreatic cancer survivor who is passionate about sharing her story of healing and recovery from cancer to help others in similar battles hope, believe, speak towards and see their own best outcome.



Why me?