Dr Truty is the doctor that I had heard about and done additional research on that was instrumental in saving someone’s life in our friend, Dale’s circle.  I had done some research about the doctor and read that a patient referred to him as the “Dragon Slayer of Pancreatic Cancer”.  This intrigued me because Satan is often referred in the bible as a dragon.  I thought, “This must be the doctor for me.” However, when I sought God on who I should set up my appointments with it seemed like I was not supposed to ask for him.  So, I didn’t. 

With a healthy sprinkle of cynicism, I made my appointments at the Mayo.  Up until this time, I believe a big part of my story is that I did not have confidence in doctors.  I come from a family laced with skeptics that do not necessarily embrace and trust doctors or at least that was my interpretation.  I would say we all believed that doctors do good in the world but we didn’t necessarily trust their intentions.   Our first meeting was with our Oncologist RN, Jessica.  I can’t remember the name of the surgeon who I was to consult with.  As we were waiting to meet him we found out that he had called in sick for the day.  Jessica called Dr. Truty and within 5 minutes by the grace of God, Dr. Mark J. Truty, M.D. was our surgeon.  Since then, we have been told by multiple medical professionals that he is considered the best at what he does, taking on complex surgery’s others would not attempt.  I believe the care of Dr. Truty and his team along with my faith in God were critical to my outstanding outcome.   You can read my Mayo blog post here.

Rita Ann

Rita Ann is a pancreatic cancer survivor who is passionate about sharing her story of healing and recovery from cancer to help others in similar battles hope, believe, speak towards and see their own best outcome.


PET Imaging


Woke and still local