Losing my religion…

By the end of February, I felt like and probably was an emotional mess.  I had become very angry; I questioned my faith and at one point, I was so depressed that I didn’t want to leave the house.  About this time, my trusty caregiver, husband and best friend, Jim made me get up and go for a walk.  It’s amazing what walking can do to clear one’s mind.  I think the correlation may be that we are moving forward instead of staying stuck.  It seemed like my world was suddenly fragmented.   On the physical side, in a matter of two weeks more tests had been performed on me than ever in my entire life.  All my exercise and nutritional religion was lost.  To quote a REM song, “…That's me in the corner, That's me in the spot-light, Losing my religion…”   I had an ultrasound, an MRI, and a CT scan of my GI or gastrointestinal area which confirmed a tumor in my pancreas.  An endoscopy procedure was also performed where while under sedation a rigid hose was inserted down my throat to allow for a scope to go into the pancreas via an incision in my stomach to biopsy the tumor.  That same day a separate procedure was done to insert a stent into my bile duct to open the blocked pathway to my pancreas.  The bile duct blockage was the cause of my itching skin.  Was this a blessing in disguise?  It did cause me to discover the adenocarcinoma tumor early.  It didn’t feel like a blessing.  I was still mad at God and asking Him, “Why?”   While none of us are perfect, I asked God, “Haven’t I been a faithful servant?  Why would you do this to me?” I was asking questions, but they were pointed, angry and I wasn’t really looking for an answer. To be honest I was venting anger.  I still didn’t understand why this had happened to me.

Rita Ann

Rita Ann is a pancreatic cancer survivor who is passionate about sharing her story of healing and recovery from cancer to help others in similar battles hope, believe, speak towards and see their own best outcome.


Who am I


The Shock