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Mustard seed of faith

A favorite quote that I heard during my battle with pancreas cancer was: “You are not the darkness you endured.  You are the light that refused to surrender.” John Mark Green

When I finally realized that I was not the darkness that I was walking through, that the light of my faith was a testimony to my community and that it was not my fault that I was in the middle of this deep valley in my life, one of the most difficult things was to overlook the ongoing waiting, wondering and unknowns.  Unknown outcomes can make the task of keeping your mind right a minute-by-minute challenge.  Multiple thoughts could run through my mind in sometimes an hour which would cause me to think: “Why me or what happened or how did I get here?”  My husband and I quickly decided that we would not go there.  We could not think like that and be successful.  We had to keep pressing on and doing all the things that were put before us to do.  I had to keep taking my day-to-day steps in faith, believing that God would do His part:  The miraculous!  God would heal me.  He is faithful.  God put me on a path to miraculous healing and we will complete this healing journey together with my community of family, friends, fellow believers, along with my caring, courageous medical professionals.


Matthew 17:20 NIV

“...Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”