To fast or not to fast

Who of us hasn’t experienced the slow tick of the clock, temptations to snack, growling stomach and counting the hours until bedtime when you can avoid thinking about eating until the next morning?  My instinct in my spirit was that I should fast.  It seemed like this was what I was being urged to do.  

Other than physical exams, and birthing three babies naturally without an epidural anesthetic thanks to the example of my mom and sister, my involvement with doctors was triggered by a couple injuries when I was under the age of 10. There was the time when I was riding on the back of a bike, in MN we called it getting a “buck”, with my brother Dave and my ankle ended up in the spokes. Another time while playing Kick the Can in the dark with my brothers Andy, Chuck and our neighborhood friends I ran straight off a 6 foot high retaining wall and landed on my knee. Surprisingly, Dr. Good determined that I didn’t need stitches either time. For real. That was his name. To this day, I still have issues with my ankle.

My point in telling you about my medical background is to remind you that I really hadn’t worked with doctors too much and therefore, didn’t trust them either.  While on my cancer healing journey, I can’t think of one medical professional that agreed with me about my decision to fast.   However, so many medical procedures require that you fast prior to them.  I am an analyst.  I specialize in thinking about options, solutions and best-case scenarios. Why not add fasting to the mix? Was it really that big of a risk?

My first chemotherapy appointment was on a Friday morning at 8 AM and it lasted five hours.  In the days and nights prior, I battled and did not retreat to the attacks of anxiety, fear, unbelief for healing, among other things.  I am not saying I didn’t feel it, but I wasn’t going to just let it rest on me. It’s not God’s will. We are to believe for and walk in prosperity in all things. Our soul prospers when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He saves our lives eternally. I was seeking God for prosperity in my health in the here and now.

3 John 1:2 NKJV

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Rita Ann

Rita Ann is a pancreatic cancer survivor who is passionate about sharing her story of healing and recovery from cancer to help others in similar battles hope, believe, speak towards and see their own best outcome.

Close to God


Doing what I can