The cancer care team…Oncology

Jim always tries his best to keep me laughing.  I need that.  While we are sitting in the consultation room, I become aware that Jim is talking to the oncology doctor about our band and how we have two songs in the rotation on a local radio station.  I had drifted off to deal with a flood of emotions from hearing the medical information about my condition.  The uplifting conversation continues, revealing that Honey and the Badgers had also been interviewed and played live on that radio station.  The day at the radio station was one of the better memories in my life.  Wow.  What a fun experience.  Jim and the doctor were planning and laughing about the possibility of our band maybe having an opportunity to play at an upcoming hospital event for cancer fundraising or awareness.  I know Jim’s humor and ability to not take life too seriously probably played a big part in us being married.  Just prior to this conversation, Jim was thinking about how the oncology waiting room smelled funny and that it seemed depressing.  He never told me that on that day though.  I am sure he was right, and I missed it because I was still reeling from all the events in recent days.  I had made it passed my debilitating anger, but I must have still been in shock.  I resigned to the fact that I had to fight this battle.  My focus seemed to be narrowing daily to my target:  fighting for my survival.  I have always been driven to meet my goals, but this was new territory for me.  

Rita Ann

Rita Ann is a pancreatic cancer survivor who is passionate about sharing her story of healing and recovery from cancer to help others in similar battles hope, believe, speak towards and see their own best outcome.

You’re not my doctor

