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The Shock

In early February of 2018, my skin started itching.  So…I setup an appointment with my primary doctor and from there things escalated.  I didn’t trust doctors and was very skeptical of the care that I had received throughout my lifetime.  After all, I was healthy, rarely getting sick and never needing surgery.  My initial blood tests didn’t agree.  My test results reported that my pancreas wasn’t producing enough insulin, I was diabetic, and my liver tests were abnormal.  I was in disbelief.  Most people would be if like me they were religiously involved in an exercise and eating program, causing me to average cardio three times a week, preparing all my food from scratch, and eating a low to no refined sugar diet.  Hadn’t I been doing this for over a year? How could this be happening to me? After all, I was doing all the right things to improve my health.   Wasn’t I? My parents, ten siblings, and known generations did not present any diabetics. Was this really happening to me? I soon realized that I would need to somehow trust and have confidence in medical professionals.